There's no gainsaying the fact that women have always been prominently featured as victims of abuse. And they have been, especially domestic physical abuse. Some women have been so brutally battered that words won't describe it. But physical abuse is just a little fraction of the WHOLE pie, only it's always very obvious. But psychological/emotional/mental (whatever name you choose to call it) abuse is almost as horrific if not worse than physical abuse. However, since the searchlight has elaborately been focused on women, we tend to forget that a large percentage of men live with debilitating abuse - both verbal and physical. The former more deadly than the later because it only scars on the inside.
The truth is, Abuse is evil! It is inhuman! It doesn't matter whether the perpetrator is a man, woman, gay, lesbian, both sexes, no sex, animal. We need to unite to nib it in the bud. But unfortunately, men who are abuse victims seem to be hanged to dry. You hardly hear of men on the news, or even at the kitchen table when they are the victims. Men themselves very rarely come forward either to the authority or even to friends or family as they fear no one will believe them. Other factors such as culture, religion, and mostly the children make men keep silent longer in abusive relationships. Others want to be "men", they don't want to risk being seen as weak or failure.
Talking to your religious leaders or a counselor though might not "cure" the abuse but it'll help lift some of it off your chest. Keeping records of evidences also help with custody, and there are a million ways technology can help. When you have given it your best and the abuse still continues, leaving might be the last option. Remember, it doesn't make you a failure and it's way cheaper than doing something that you might regret rest of your life.
As crazy as it sounds women also are abusive and it shouldn't be tolerated