Sunday, June 1, 2014



 There’s no gainsaying the fact that violent crime like worm, has deeply eaten into the heart and soul of our society. From Maine to California, North Dakota to Texas, helpless old people have been brutally murdered, children and toddlers alike have also been killed with reckless abandon. Everybody has felt it to a degree, or has at least seen it on the news. The tears of the victims have formed huge torrents. In the words of George Orwell “No animal in England is free…”

 Never a time in our history has it been more imperative to derail and disrupt this bloody trail  left on the pages of modern history by crime. The governments are not relenting in their fight to stop this menace. From putting heroic daring policemen on the streets, to investing heavily on technology, to building more prisons, and uncountable other measures, they show their unwavering determination to nail violent crimes to its coffin.

    However, the questions still remain  ‘in the midst of all this noble measures why hasn't it stopped? Can we really lock our ways out of this?, or shoot our way out?

   I’m not an expert on crime prevention and as such i don’t have definite answers to these troubling questions. But I think a reorientation of the youths, and teenagers in particular will give a little dent to this menace. I propose that a traveling program to third world be countries be introduced in our elementary/high schools. This will give these kids a different perspective on life. This kids are born in this affluent country. They grow up eating breakfast everyday with choice juices. They grow up with assorted lunch choices.They grow up eating dinner with deserts. They grow up playing video games, sometimes endlessly. They grow up talking to the teacher, sometimes rudely without the teacher talking back to them. They grow up overly pampered. They grow up being told they are angels, only without wings. They grow up spoiled! This is the culture they know, and sadly ALL they know.

  It’s not a crime that this country is wafting in unquantifiable wealth, and have built a custom of unbridled waste of resources, particularly food. The country worked very hard to get here. They kinda earned it.
 But just as they are two sides to every coin, the flip side is that kids, as well as some immature adults have taken undue advantage of this. They think it’s their rights. Everything has to be given, not worked for. And I think this contributes to laziness, petty crimes and by extension, and violent crimes.
 It is therefore my suggestion that traveling programs be introduced to our school system. To send some of these kids to third world countries so they can see what life could be. It could be a week, two weeks or however long it takes. A day of seeing kid same age working their butts off in a small family business, or working for wages after school, or missing school days because there’s no money to pay their school fees, or going to school without food, barefooted,in half torn clothes, in sickness because there’s no money for hospital, or studying under a tree or in an uncompleted building, might be all that is needed to set a kid's mind right.
   This is not going to put a permanent end to crimes, but I’m absolutely sure it’ll help.
Statistics also shows that most immigrants tend to look at life differently here, and most of the times do not commit crimes. They know one or more survival strategy. They also appreciate more the opportunities that this country offer and they take advantage of it.  
    This is the crux of the matter here- that kids be more appreciative of this great land of opportunity, and in turn be more useful to the society. This will be a little more dent to crimes.